Monday, January 16, 2012

One More Day of BLOGGING!

Hello Students,

As you know, GLPS is almost finished! DJ and I have to decide who the top three bloggers for each class are, and tomorrow will be the deadline for completing your assignments.  I've been very impressed with the effort I've witnessed, and some of you have really improved both your writing and formatting abilities.

One thing I have been trying to teach you is to make things look nice - how to best present your work so that it is organized and easy to read.  Formatting is very important, and so is capitalizing and putting one of these ->. at the end of every sentence (a period, as you know).

I've read some very good viral video essays.  Jiwoo (or Nemo) in class 14 wrote a very good one about Mr. Bean on her blog.  It was interesting to learn some fun facts about him.  Everything looks nice and she didn't make many mistakes.

Wongsil in class 20 wrote a good essay about a VERY fun video.  I learned a lot about a strange thing called the "Rube Goldberg Machine."  Check it out. You won't be sorry!

Steven from class 19 wrote a good one about Charlie Bit Me.  He found some good information and it was interesting to see a recent picture of the boys, now that they are older.

There are also some really good Odes being written.  So Yeon in class 19 wrote a very metaphorical one about shoes.  Shoes are important, and we don't often think about them in a deep way.  She really did!

Billy from class 20 has written some nice Odes. Very poetic ones about puppies and donuts.  What does a person need in this world in order to become happy?  Puppies and donuts.  That seems like a good start to me. ;)

Jungwoo, also from class 20, wrote a very powerful ode about the moon on his blog. He describes it as a a "giant memory disk which contains memory starting from the time when you were born. Just like a time machine to see the past."  Very imaginative.

Try to get as much done as you can in the next two days.  Blog on!


  1. Actually, your profile says you don't have a blog. What are you trying to tell me? Am I correct or...?
